

Is Your Live Chat Service Lacking Something?

Live chat service

Live chat service is one that should never be forgotten while doing business online. It is the most convenient means of communication and the fastest way for consumers to get help. Most consumers prefer this over a toll-free hotline, email, or online contact form. Plus, most types of chat software now have marketing features. If you have the budget for a live chat service, here are some things to look for.

Plans & Pricing

Most of the live chat service providers offer a range of plans to suit your needs and budget. Don't just look at the monthly or yearly price. You should also check out the features. For example, the plans differ on the number of operators. You should also ask for additional charges if you want to add an operator. Some programs, no matter how willing you are to pay more for additional operators, have a maximum number of operators.

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Is Customization Allowed?

Most chat programs offer customization but it's still best to check. Sure, there are pre-programmed greetings and responses but can you customize them? Can you personalize windows and buttons?

Convenience for Operators

While the biggest trend is to use robots for live chat, some business owners (and customers) prefer actual chat operators. If you choose a live operator, make sure the program will provide them with as much convenience as possible. For example, there should be sound and visual alerts. Spell checkers and translators should also be included. It would also help if the system had an indicator while the operator or customer was typing. Easy process to transfer conversations or chats and check administration availability are other features.

What are The Characteristics of Marketing?

Most of the businessmen are encouraged to get the live chat service because of the marketing features available in most of the systems. For example, chat software can now pop up a temporary invite to chat when customers are navigating the site. Active chat initiation is certainly useful.

It also helps if the system can recognize repeat visitors and keep a chat history. If the chat system includes geolocation and visitor monitoring, it will be easier for you to plan your next marketing campaign strategy.

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Can You Get Support?

Like your customers, you may also need support for a live chat service or software. While there are FAQ pages and tutorials available, it would also help if the service provider could provide technical support via chat, email, and phone.

Live chat is definitely helpful for any online business. It is the most convenient way for you and your customers to communicate. Make sure to get the best live chat service. Check out the above features to help your operators and customers and make sure you're getting something worthwhile for your money.

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